Well how very quick the landscape of life changes. A virus in December in China had us wagging our fingers which soon changed to clenching our arse cheeks in March in Europe. Just before the strict rules on movement and self isolation came into force the weather suddenly swung to fair and dry! A friend very kindly asked if I wanted to go with him on a wild camp locally. We had permission from the landowner so I could hardly say no. It was up in the hills overlooking a small village in Rossendale a village where my camping buddy grew up in so it was nice to get a brief history on the area. My down sleeping bag (nearest.) Nice and small. We were just staying for one night. I took my small Vango Delta 200 and Mick took his newish One Tigris Smokey Hut Teepee with stove jack. Mick was very excited to finally get to use his new Titanium collapsible stove. You see Mick and I have a few addictions. Mine is tents, and lights, Micks is tents and stoves. The stove in use ...
A Place To Share Our Carry On Moments