It seems more common than you would credit. We have been looking into the viability of a bit of winter camping, but not necessarily on a campsite as such. Possibly near to home and a preference for a woodland. I am probably describing wild camping here. The trouble with that term is that it has such a broad covering of what wild camping means. The purist would no doubt scoff at the phrase used for the type of camping we are looking to do, and in truth I can see that would be fair. Surely "wild camping" is backpacking with a pack of self sustenance for whatever that period away may be. The Americans/Canadians just call it "Hot Tenting" which I think suits the style. I think I look at it as....I don't know yet in truth. Maybe after it's happened I will have better phrase. Even the word camping has that effect for many. My definition of camping is in a tent, whereas it seems this can be used for others to mean a motorhome, caravan or camper van. In p...
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